Drone 3D Mapping & Modelling

What is drone 3D mapping?

Drone 3D mapping and modelling uses a combination of terrestrial and aerial imagery to 3D model almost anything from photos and a bit of survey know-how. It has advantages over laser scanning, which is restricted to ground based measurement and subject to shadowing meaning missing data. A drone can see structures from all angles, allowing us to model all aspects of an entire feature.
Topographical and GPS Surveying | The Surveying Co

Why you may need drone 3D mapping

There are three main applications for drone 3D mapping.

Terrain inspection and modelling

We can use aerial data to reconstruct 3D terrain features in the digital world with high accuracy. These models are generally used for assessing risks (i.e. rockfalls, cliff failures etc) that may cause a safety hazard, designing structures (i.e. retaining walls), inspecting inaccessible areas, or even 3D printing an accurate terrain model for future development.
Using a drone is ideal, as we can scan the entire area of interest from a safe location, leaving no gaps in the data. We have used UAVs in Hawke’s Bay to assess and monitor a major landslide on Clifton Beach, to monitor ongoing rock falls across a 10 km stretch of coastal cliffs, and to inspect and assess the cliff faces of Bluff Hill for potential failures.

Building reconstruction and modelling

A drone is the perfect tool for 3D modelling of buildings. Utilising both ground based and aerial photography, we can combine imagery for a full overview of the building.
We don’t just stop at single buildings though; we can model entire city blocks. This data can then be used by architects and engineers for future designs, additions or alterations, by councils and heritage registers for records of current building condition, or by inspectors to assess the condition of the building in high detail without the need for specialist safety equipment.
We have used UAVs for roof inspections, single building models (such as the heritage listed church below), and fully coordinated 3D models of entire city blocks.

Telecommunications and infrastructure modelling

Using drones for the inspection and modelling of telecommunication assets offers a big advantage over terrestrial methods. Not only can we use the drone to capture the asset from all angles, but we can provide video, high quality photography and even live high definition feeds of the inspection.
The biggest benefit is that a UAV allows for inspection without the need to send a person up the tower, and the tower can remain fully functional through the process. High accuracy 3D models can provide for 3D measurements for future designs, additions or alterations, and existing dishes can be annotated to keep track of owners and frequencies. See our example below.

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