Mapping a Mountain

For a while now, we had been motivated to purchase a new UAV to replace our ageing DJI Matrice 200 (with nearly 150 hours on it). We needed something versatile, something that was able to take multiple payloads, it needed to have VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capability, but most importantly it had to have […]
Monitoring Unstable Rocks on Bluff Hill

In 2019, The Surveying Company was asked to provide accurate 3D data of the cliff faces of Bluff Hill for inspection and monitoring purposes. The 3D model enabled geotechnical engineers to identify problem areas make informed decisions without the need to physically be at the site. A fly-through of the 3D model generated from drone […]
Bluff Hill in 3D

This was a great project we were lucky enough to be involved with. Working with Stantec and Napier City Council we created this 3D model of Bluff Hill. We used a Matrice 200 to capture imagery and Pix4D for processing. Thanks to Bluff Hill Bowling Club and Napier Port for their cooperation on this project. […]
Waghorne Street Development

Due to recent advances in the surveying, this subdivision is fast making progress.
Wakefield Street Time Lapse Video

This is a small industrial development in Wakefield Street, Onekawa. The Surveying Company provided planning and survey services to the project and also set-out the buildings for the building contractor.
Time lapse video of Ahuriri site development

View our time lapse video below of the residential development in Waghorne Street, Ahuriri that is quickly taking shape.
BioRich Ltd

The local business we are featuring is annually converting around 30,000 tonnes of Hawkes Bay’s organic waste into 30,000 cubic metres of dark, rich compost. BioRich Ltd was founded in 2004 by Maraekakaho farmer Mike Glazebrook. Mike had been making compost on a large scale for a number of years prior to BioRich to support […]